With every drop of concern and worry there are two drops of joy and hope. We are—currently—a family of three: Steve Hardin from the PNW (a son and father with Freeman-Sheldon syndrome), Jessica from Houston (daughter, mother and all-around awesome person), and Noah from Seattle (also born with Freeman-Sheldon syndrome). There are chronicles to write about our past lives to date, but we’ll let this blog tell our story from now on as it continues to unfolds.
We are all human, engaged in a daily struggle. With God’s help we can grow into humble servants who are more whole than the day before. …Join us as we choose joy and hope rather than fear and cynicism.

Steve Hardin
Artist, musician and thinker. Born with Freeman-Sheldon syndrome into a true PNW family as the youngest of four kids, I started out in Oregon City, OR, but grew up on Bainbridge Island—a ferry ride away from Seattle, WA. These days, married and with one child (also with FSS), The Hardin HQ is stationed in Maple Leaf, Seattle. Despite my ups and downs. Despite my disability. I don’t long to go back and change a thing. If I did, I wouldn’t be Steve. …Oh the mysteries of how God works.
Also… I am generally interested in everything. Why did the disaster relieve not work? Why does DNA form a double helix? Why do certain chord progressions sound sad? Why does cotton shrink? Why do I need vitamin b12 in my diet? Do people with different languages think differently because of that? Why do people that listen to Indie Rock wear black converse and use Myspace? How the heck does nuclear magnetic resonance actually work? Why does quantum mechanics describe reality so well? Is 99.9% of what we say really truly blank ether or nothingness? And is matter really just super intense waves? Is all of reality real or is it all in my head or in the back of my eye? …and of course, is God good? Does how I live matter?