If other kids are anything like our son, synthesizing the front-to-back arc of scripture into an ABC’s sequence is brilliant (“ABC Song”, track 2). And other tracks too that highlight real truths and real stories from scripture in good, fun, sing-along songs for the whole family.
It was such a pleasure to record drums on these tracks with Luke, Chad and the crew. Looking forward to our next project…
Album: “Let The Little Children Come”
by GL Kids
(A ministry of Green Lake Presbyterian Church in Seattle, WA.)
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From The Liner Notes:
Green Lake Kids presents “Let the Little Children Come”, a singalong album tracing Jesus’ life and teachings to show how all the Scriptures point to him: one story, for his glory.
As this project unfolded, the hope was to record a collection of songs that would be engaging and challenging for children, while at the same time offer enough content and musical interest for the benefit of any grownup who listens.
A huge thanks to the entire Green Lake Presbyterian Church community, without whose support this project would not be.
Blaze Bratcher – www.blazebratcher.com
Brett Baird – www.brettbaird.com
Mike Allen – Mike Allen Recording Studio
Levi Seitz – www.blackbeltmastering.com
Brett Baird – www.brettbaird.com
Jonny Akamu: Electric guitar, ukulele – www.jonnyakamu.com (Tracks 2, 3, 4, 11)
Brett Baird: Percussion, piano (Tracks 6, 7, 9)
Jameson Bratcher: Trombone, tuba (Track 4)
Steve Hardin: Drums, percussion (Tracks 2, 4, 5, 10, 11)
Chad Lloyd: Bass (Tracks 2, 4, 5, 10, 11)
Luke Morton: Acoustic guitar, vocals
Jens Jorgenson
Scripture Reader
Nyasha Chambwe
All lyrics and music by Luke Morton except “The Lord’s Prayer”, lyrics by Adoniram Judson, dated “Prison, Ava, March 1825,”. Written during his imprisonment, published in Memoirs, 1853. Public Domain.
© 2018 Green Lake Presbyterian Church
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