It’s very likely that Noah will be discharged from the hospital later today. Happy dancing and fist pumping are followed by feelings of relief, excitement, and mild hesitation. It will be wonderful to be together in the comfort of our home with a mostly healthy Noah! I’m not sure who is more excited – Steve, Noah, me, or our lonely miniature dachshund Penny :-). I asked Noah if he was ready to be home, and he responded with a resounding YES by shaking his fist strongly back and forth. YES YES! He’s doing well, and the antibiotics and steroids are helping address is pneumonia and ear infection.
I’m not sure who is more excited – Steve, Noah, Jess, or our lonely miniature dachshund Penny. 🙂
The hesitation about being discharged is a reflection of our constant, low-level anxiety that maybe there’s something even more worrisome going on with Noah or airway issues that we haven’t addressed. This is his fourth respiratory-related hospitalization since August. Whew. We can’t avoid cold viruses entirely, but we can ensure that Noah’s airway is well understood so that we can more promptly respond to viral infections or even possibly perform a procedure to resolve airway issues.
Our pulmonologists here are *fantastic* and share our concern for Noah. They want a better understanding of what is causing Noah’s labored and noisy breathing (stridor sounds) while sleeping. Note – this has improved but has not resolved itself. The current plan is to have his ENT doctor consulted today and possibly to perform a fiber-optic scope of Noah’s airway. Plans for another sleep study and bronchial scope are in the works for the future…
Thank you, friends and family, for your earnest prayers on behalf of our little son and family.
We feel very supported and cared for by our community, near and far. Noah has no idea how much he is loved. It’s a reflection of our Heavenly Father’s love for us, which so much greater than we understand or imagine.
No planned fiber-optic scope today after all.