Friends, we are back at Children’s. Noah caught another virus. He’s doing well; he’s handling this virus better than any in the past. We need to wait it out for a few more days, letting the virus run its course and weaning him off respiratory support (high flow in the ICU). At the advice of his pulmonologist, we brought him to the ER on Saturday night.
We are weary of hospital visits, interruptions to normal routine, feeling separated, and mostly, seeing Noah sick.
Please join us in praying for Noah’s swift and complete healing, that we would find our identity in Christ and not our circumstances or feelings, and that we would trust that our Father is good, sovereign, and that His portion for us in this challenging season is the best for us and for His glory.
Some Thoughts on Identity
We’re sojourners longing for the day when all will be renewed. We hear Christ’s words “Surely I am coming soon” and in one breath we say “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)
The struggle is complex. But today’s simple issue is our struggle with identity—identity as a family and our individual identities. They are not wholly defined by Noah and his repeated visits to the hospital (and all of his regular special needs care).
With each subsequent stay in the hospital, we have a harder time telling people “we’re back”.
There’s an increasingly greater desire to keep it hidden with secret hope that we can have an identity—a life—outside these issues, and that we (Steve & Jess) can be known, too.
Jess & Steve